The Comms Doctor
Bring your research story to life
We help researchers shine a light on their work, and show its value to target audiences and the community.
Stories & Concepts
Develop stories and concepts that help explain complex research stories to the wider public who are not experts.
Promote initial ‘proof of concept’ to help develop proposals for more comprehensive research projects.
Communication Plans
Develop and execute communication plans that address research relevance in the community, particularly with specific stakeholders, and highlight research impact.
Communication Modes
Advise on communication modes and develop content and relations to find appropriate human participants for a research project.
Case Studies from The Doctor
The Comms Doctor provides a variety of services tailored to the needs of a wide variety of clients: farmers, land managers, private businesses, university academics, government officers or policy advisers.
We use a variety of communication ideas, modes and tools to bring clients’ stories to life.